The Perfect Demolition
The Perfect Demolition is a mental process, a mental performance, where the actor is the building itself.
Our project was a conceptual investigation of the idea of demolition, focused on its tangible traces and
their mental triggers.
Mastreclass The Berlage/AMO
Concept: m·k, Junxiang Zhang
Sound: Yiannis Tsirikoglou
Rotterdam, NL
March 2015
The masterclass led by AMO investigated 4 macro areas of demolition – politics, aesthetics, techniques and radar;using three distinct formats: artifact, interview and video. Free and creative formats of representation to “stage” the results of the two weeks research.
Almost by definition demolition implies some form of economic, political or design failure. Now that much of the post-war built substance is reaching its prescribed critical best-before-date and growth in Europe is improbable, demolition will inevitably become an increasing field of intellectual, cultural and economic speculation.
While we share abundant theories of construction, we seem to lack a theoretical understanding of demolition.
What are the types of demolition? How should it be done, least painfully, like euthanasia? Who may kill your building? What is the economy of subtraction? What is the value of a void left after demolition? Is there an aesthetic of demolition? Is demolition a therapy ?
The masterclass will investigate 4 macro areas of demolition – politics, aesthetics, techniques and radar; using three distinct formats: artefact, interview and video.
The outcome of the masterclass is 12 acts:
free and creative formats of representation to “stage” the results of the two weeks research.
Demolition. The Berlage spring Masterclass 2015.
Led by AMO/OMA - Ippolito Pestellini Lapardelli, Janna Bystrykh and Stephan Petermann.
Berlage students: Jana Culek, Junxiang Zhang, Mohd Fairus Bin Kholid, Anastasiia Gerasimova, Piergianna Mazzocca, Pond Chayasombat, Nafsika Efklidou, Claire Lubell, Bart de Hartog
External students: Adam Turczyn, Michael Schuurman, Guillem Colomer, Hugo Corbett, Iason Stathatos, Victor Moldoveanu, Matthew Brown, Olina Terzi, Andréa Savard-Beaudoin, Anna Livia Friel, Filippo Lorenzi, Mihaela Radescu, Silvia Prearo, Bianca Barabas, Ioana Todiroaie
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