(a)muse is a collection of 7 tracks that I produced as a playful exercise every day during one week. Each day, and therefore each track, represents a different stage of processing the idea of having a muse. This process portrays an array of different emotional narratives.
\ ˈmyüz \
mused; musing
1: to become absorbed in thought, especially : to think about something carefully and thoroughly
musing about what might have been
: to think or say (something) in a thoughtful way"I could sell the house," she mused, "but where would I go?"
1: a state of deep thought or dreamy abstraction thrown into a muse by the book she was reading
1 capitalized : any of the nine sister goddesses in Greek mythology presiding over song and poetry and the arts and sciences. Clio is the Greek Muse of history.
2: a source of inspiration, especially : a guiding genius
The writer's beloved wife was his muse.
3: Poet
1 trn
4 acc
2 tzr
5 ppns
3 ss
6 ephy
7 wthn
© 2022 by m·k